
A van with open rear doors and a deployed wheelchair lift.

BraunAbility E-Series
Rigid wheelchair lifts for various vehicles: easy to use and serve.

Trusted and durable wheelchair lifts for various vehicles

Since day one, the E-Series vehicle wheelchair lift has performed as expected, making it a trusted product that is easy to use and maintain. With its well-proven stability and effectiveness, the lift is available in three different platform types: Folding, Split, and Solid.

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Premium Rigidity

We have revolutionised the rigidity of the platform making a performance improvement of 300 percent. The closed box design in the parallel arms is what enables this increase in rigidity.

On a standard wheelchair lift with dual parallel arms, the platform will deflect under uneven loads causing it to sway and skew. This can make anyone on the platform uneasy or even scared. Keep in mind that just by being on the platform you are already in a vulnerable position.

The E-Series wheelchair lifts completely change this, providing a stable and comfortable user experience.

Hands gripping the handrails.

Compliant handrail design

The highly visible yellow handrails is a sturdy point to hold on to for both wheelchair users and anyone standing on the platform. The hook shape allows the handrails to be held onto in a number of different grips that provides a sense of comfort and stability. The E-Series handrails are of course EN 1756 compliant.

A low angle view over the very low threshold of the E-Series.

Low threshold

To maximise headroom when loading a passenger into the vehicle we gave the baseplate or threshold if you will, the lowest possible profile. Even when the lift is in the stowed position the threshold stays very low to the floor and will not act as a potential tripping hazard. An important requirement if the route through the lift is to be used as an emergency exit. 

Platform Types

The E-Series wheelchair lifts come in three different platform types, Folding, Split and Solid. They are all well-proven platform types that have their own benefits. Choose the platform type that best suits your application.

E-Series folding platform wheelchair lift.
Folding platform
Maximum length, shortest height
As the name suggests this platform type folds horizontally when stowed. Effectively making a long platform, short when stowed and thereby making it possible to install in a vehicle with a low roof. This is useful for longer mobility devices that need the extra platform space, such as scooters and power chairs. Another use of the folding design is to keep stowed platform below the rear window. This way the vehicle's driver and passengers can have an unblocked view through the window.
E-Series split platform wheelchair lift.
Split platform
Out of sight and out of the way
This platform type stows by splitting down the middle with each part folding up against the sides of the vehicle. In its stowed position the wheelchair lift is out of way and out of sight. This means that the vehicle's entrance can always be used to get in and out of the vehicle and does not block the exit in case of an emergency evacuation. The vehicle floor to lift threshold is the lowest on the market making loading easy and reduces the risk of tripping to a minimum.
E-Series solid platform wheelchair lift.
Solid platform
The standard platform type
The perhaps most classic design of a wheelchair lift platform. As the solid platform has less moving parts than other platform types there's also less adjustments during installation. Its short depth, leaves more space for seats inside the vehicle. The solid platform is designed for side and rear door installation.

Close up of a metal surface grip

Surface grip

The stretch metal of the platform provides a non-slip grip for shoes and tires. Another benefit of the stretch metal is the holes letting dirt, snow and mud fall through to the ground before entering the vehicle. 

Zoom in on a product part to show

Surface coating

The E-Series wheelchair lifts are treated with a high-quality powder coating. This gives the lifts superior protection against scratches as well as unsightly fingerprints. An E-Series lift will stay functional and looking new for a long time, even in areas with high humidity.

E-series solid platform wheelchair lift

Designed to be a workhorse

These lifts are built to be simple and reliable. To function every time they are used, regardless if it’s multiple times a day or once a year. Whether hot or cold, rain or snow, the E-Series lifts will provide accessibility in vehicles to people all over the world. 

The goal of the E-Series is to be the essential lift. There are no unnecessary or costly exclusive features. The design is simple and spare parts are universally interchangeable over the entire series. As an added bonus this design also means fewer points of potential failure and fewer points of service.

Man lowering a lift installed on the rear end of a van

Safe Descent

Gravity down and power up, that's how all BraunAbility dual parallel arm lifts operate. This system makes it impossible for the platform to come crashing down. Even if there's a sudden drop in hydraulic pressure and the platform is at a maximum load it will still only slowly descend to the ground.

Zoom in of the roll stop function

Roll stop

A roll-stop is an important safety feature. It prevents any wheelchair on the platform from accidentally rolling too far and off the platform. The roll-stop on the E-Series is mechanical and goes up as soon as the platform leaves the ground. 

Hand holding a remote control

Durable and intuitive hand pendant

Designed to take a beating the robust hand control features two rocker switches that let you control all the functions of the lift: fold, unfold, up and down. The plastic body makes the pendant comfortable to hold in all temperatures.

You can also control the E-Series lift with your smartphone via the BraunAbility Remote app. This requires that your lift is fitted with the BraunAbility Remote receiver kit. 

E-series solid platform

Made of Steel

We manufacture the E-Series using the same well-proven steel we use in all our lifts. While steel is heavier than aluminium it has two major benefits. The first one is that steel does not flex as much as aluminium. This makes a steel lift a more robust and rigid lift. To make an aluminium lift rigid you would have to choose a thicker gauge or add strengthening elements of design. This will, of course, increase weight considerably.

The other benefit over aluminium is fatigue cracking. This has proven to be a serious issue with the use of aluminium in wheelchair lifts. Especially in applications where aluminium lifts see heavy use.

Man removing the side cover of the E-series lift

Easy Service

Unscrew a single fastener and lift the pump cover straight up. That's how easy it is to access the guts of the pump module. As an added benefit of this cover design, the lift itself can be installed closer to the vehicle's walls. In other words tighter installations.

Side view of an E-series lift

A great kick-out

The kick-out is how far out the lift platform reaches. More specific it's the distance between the base of the lift and the platform. The ample kick-out of the E-Series means better bumper clearance and makes installation possible in an even wider variety of vehicles.

Illuminated wheelchair lift platform

Light Kit

When using the E-Series in low-light situations, our optional light kit provides platform light and all-round improved visibility for the operator, user as well as bystanders.

Smartphone in a person's hand

Bluetooth Remote App

Add our optional Bluetooth® receiver and take control of the E-Series lift with your smartphone. Using the Remote app is easy making it a great complement to the original hand control.

Tested for high product quality

For decades all BraunAbility inboard lifts have been tested to meet our internal requirement of 32,000 cycles, and the E-Series is no exception. In addition to this, we have also tried to closely simulate real-world conditions. We've stressed the base plate welds to a maximum by performing cycle testing on both rigid and flexible floors.  

The number 32.000 and two round arrows symbolising a cycle

Cycle test


Climate test

The letters EMC

EMC test

Symbol of a car being crash tested

Crash test

Symbol of a screw drive and a wrench in an x position

Universal installation kit

The E-Series comes with a universal installation kit. Everything needed when installing the lift is included, from high tensile mounting bolts and load spreading washers to all the power cable you could need and a circuit breaker to keep it all safe.

Zoom in of the silent crash protection brackets

Silent Crash Protection

Another new feature of the E-Series is the placement of the crash protection brackets. These have now been moved to the outside of the platform. The crash protection brackets are adjustable and fitted with rubber pads which will help reduce vibration noise when driving. A vital feature that remains out of sight and out of the way until needed.

E-1300 Folding

Illustration of an E-1320 folding


Platform width 740 mm
Platform length 1300 mm
Overall height 1100 mm
Overall width 1100 mm
Overall depth 433 mm
Floor to ground 800 mm
Required door width 980 mm
Required door height 1120 mm


Weight capacity 400 kg
Unit weight 133 kg
Shipping weight 164 kg

Pump module

Pump side
Seen from outside
Left or Right
E-1500 Folding

Illustration of an E-1500 folding lift


Platform width 860 mm
Platform length 1500 mm
Overall height 1100-1360* mm
Overall width 1220 mm
Overall depth 433 mm
Floor to ground 800 mm
Required door width 1100 mm
Required door height 1120-1380* mm


Weight capacity 400 kg
Unit weight 146 kg
Shipping weight 177 kg

Pump module

Pump side
Seen from outside
Left or Right

*the overall height can be modified by cutting the handrails.

E-1050 Split

Illustration of a E-1050 split


Platform width 740 mm
Platform length 1050 mm
Overall height 1150 mm
Overall width 1085 mm
Overall depth 475 mm
Floor to ground 800 mm
Required door width 965 mm
Required door height 1170 mm


Weight capacity 400 kg
Unit weight 137 kg
Shipping weight 168 kg

Pump module

Pump side
Seen from outside
Left or Right
E-1320 Split

Illustration of a E-1320 split


Platform width 860 mm
Platform length 1320 mm
Overall height 1420 mm
Overall width 1195 mm
Overall depth 545 mm
Floor to ground 800 mm
Required door width 1085 mm
Required door height 1440 mm


Weight capacity 400 kg
Unit weight 149 kg
Shipping weight 180 kg

Pump module

Pump side
Seen from outside
Left or Right
E-1050 Solid

Illustration of a E-1050 solid lift


Platform width 740 mm
Platform length 1050 mm
Overall height 1150 mm
Overall width 1085 mm
Overall depth 350 mm
Floor to ground 800 mm
Required door width 965 mm
Required door height 1170 mm


Weight capacity 400 kg
Unit weight 124 kg
Shipping weight 155 kg

Pump module

Pump side
Seen from outside
Left or Right
E-1320 Solid

Illustration of a E-1320 solid lift


Platform width 860 mm
Platform length 1320 mm
Overall height 1420 mm
Overall width 1195 mm
Overall depth 340 mm
Floor to ground 800 mm
Required door width 1085 mm
Required door height 1440 mm


Weight capacity 400 kg
Unit weight 137 kg
Shipping weight 168 kg

Pump module

Pump side
Seen from outside
Left or Right
E-1500 Solid

Illustration of a E-1500 solid lift


Platform width 900 mm
Platform length 1500 mm
Overall height 1600 mm
Overall width 1260 mm
Overall depth 433 mm
Floor to ground 800 mm
Required door width 1140 mm
Required door height 1620 mm


Weight capacity 400 kg
Unit weight 144 kg
Shipping weight 175 kg

Pump module

Pump side
Seen from outside


Cycle test approved (32,000)  
Crash test approved  
Climate test approved  
EMC test approved  
Type approved (E5)  


EN 1756 compliant  
ECE R-10 compliant  
REACH compliant  
GADSL compliant  
RoHS compliant  
3TG compliant  

  Compatible with our Remote App and Carodoor


For more information and sales enquiries please contact us.
